If you are having difficulty setting up your calendar, here are a few tips we recommend:
TIP #1:
The calendar start date cannot be a date in the past.
TIP #2:
Unselect school days (indicated in blue) for the previous year. The App pre-populates common school days and all days before your start date need to be non-school days (indicated in white). If you are setting up your calendar in the middle of a school year, there may be days selected in the past by default.
If you are setting up your calendar mid-school year, you will be taken to the current year (See example below 2022 during the 2021-2022 school year) appearing in dark gray:
Click on the previous calendar year tab (example 2021) and make all days white to be non-school days:

Then go back to the current year (Example 2022) and fill in your calendar. Make sure the first school day is on or after the calendar start date.