Important Update Regarding the C&C App

January 16th, 2025

Dear valued C&C Users,

After careful consideration, we have made the difficult decision to discontinue the C&C App at the end of this subscription year. The C&C App will remain fully operational through its annual subscription expiration of June 30, 2025, to support current users’ ongoing needs during this transition.

This decision did not come lightly. As you may know, new ADA Title II Web and Mobile Accessibility Requirements will take effect during the 2025-2026 school year. While we currently do not have the resources to rebuild the C&C App to align with these requirements, we are fully committed to achieving ADA compliance with each of our products and services. 

For additional details, please review our FAQ to learn more. In the coming weeks, we will provide additional information and guidance to support this transition by communicating with users through messages as they log into the platform.

We’re so grateful to all of you who continue to support Check & Connect across the country, ensuring that all students have a caring adult who supports their educational success.

Thank you once again,Eileen Klemm, Ph.D.

Director, Check & Connect National Office